Sunday, December 4, 2011

Beginning the journal

How interesting that the word journal and journey are so similar.  I've started this blog because I'm taking Kat's Find Your Eye Photography course to learn more about my own visual journey.  The first step is to create a photo journal and this is what I've created.

Just for starters I want to see how a photograph looks posted here.  I took this the other day while walking the dogs.  These leaves were clustered in the gutter and the sun was gleaming off the water drops, making them look like shimmery opals.  I'm always drawn to shimmer--and to sudden glimpses of treasure.


  1. i think your photograph looks beautiful here.....

  2. Thank you Beth, and thanks for being the first to comment here.

  3. I like the way you captured the leaves transporting their precious jewel-like passengers to an unknown destination!

  4. I like the muted colors of the leaves, each with its own little drink.

  5. Wonderful image, love the colours and composition.
